Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Shred, days 3 & 4

Day 3: Each day seems to be getting a little easier. We are in no way ready to move on to level 2 by any means, though. I've been doing a little more of the modified exercises in the middle section so I can do the more challenging ones at the end and feel like I'm finishing strong instead of "barely finishing." I've noticed it has been easier to breathe further into it too. I was not really sore after Day 3 except my left arm was hurting and I think that's a combination from the exercises and from sleeping wrong.

Day 4: I've been feeling run down and really tired. I didn't sleep well Friday night because I was up with Matthew who needed a bath & change of bedding. I just felt "off" and even took a nap in the afternoon. By the time it came time to do our exercises I told Brian I didn't want to sit out but felt I should so I don't get burnt out, especially with the first week of school and ECFE coming up so we'll have a busy week trying to adjust. Brian did the exercises alone and isn't really sore today. Hopefully we've gotten over the hump and our bodies are getting used to this. Hopefully I won't be too sore tomorrow after taking yesterday off.

So far we haven't seen any weight loss but I didn't expect to quite this early. I don't know how many levels we'll complete by the time we're done but we're at least getting the exercise we need and hopefully will see results soon.

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