Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back in the blogging world

Well I decided to join the blogging world again.  Quite frankly, I chose to because it is the easiest way for me to document whats going on and I can track what the kids are doing.  Often times I find myself looking at old posts to see how old Matthew was when he could do certain things, the same with Emily, except I have missed documenting most of Emily's life.

For this blog I've come up with a few "rules."
  • Its my blog, I can say what I want
  • If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it.
  • Blogging is somewhat of a release for me to vent frustrations, share in excitements and write what we've been up to so we can take a trip down memory lane after we've forgotten some of the details.
  • I will not adjust how I write to please anyone, refer to point 2 if you don't like something.
Okay, now on to happier thoughts and a quick review of what we've been up to.

  • Made his first visit to the ER, after being paid a visit by the ambulance and fire dept at our house, he came home sporting 3 stitches between the eyes and now has a lovely scar
  • Also graced us with needing his first trip to Urgent Care, not once but twice and was quite the sick little boy for 6 days.  We got very little sleep and it's a little scary when you see the thermometer read 106.9 and he's shivering uncontrollably.  He's better now!
  • Grown a lot in height.  We completely skipped 4T pants.  Very soon he'll be in the big boy section of the store.
  • Completely potty trained!!!!!!!  Though he still doesn't like to go on his own and puts up a fuss when we try convincing him to "just try."
  • Loves playing with his sister and can make her laugh like no one else.  Sometimes he forgets she isn't as big or likes to be mean by tripping her, but they usually play well together.
  • Starts Preschool in the fall.  He will be attending Winona Christian Preschool.  My how the time flies, can't believe he's almost 4!
  • Growing like a weed, some of her 2T clothes are too small.
  • Teething like it's going out of style.  Currently cutting 2 eye teeth and possibly more.  
  • Loves chasing her brother around and getting into his toys
  • Puts her toys away better than Matthew does.  She likes being a helper
  • Can say mama, baaallll (her favorite), HI!, no, uh oh, baba (not sure exactly what that is yet), and sometimes something that sounds like bye.
  • We can ask her to get her high chair and she will pull it out, ask her to throw something away and she will, ask her for a hug and she opens her arms out to the sides, she'll pucker up for a kiss, wave bye bye, likes saying hi to people in the store, walks up to the fridge and whines when she wants something, also walks up to the fridge when she's done with her cup and wants to put it away.  She's also a climber.  The other day I asked her if she was poopy and she reached behind her back to pull her diaper out so I could check.  Yep, she's a smarty pants!
  • She has an attitude!  If she doesn't get her way she'll fold her hands behind her back, wrinkle her nose, turn and walk the other way, or flat out lay on the ground throwing a fit.
  • She's almost 16 months old...WOW
  • She also has an obsession with the toilet, she's gotten her arms stuck under the seat, thrown Matthew's pajamas in it, thrown a toy in it and basically enjoys being in there to watch whenever someone is using it.  I hope this works to our advantage when it's time to potty train.
Brian and I:
  • Brian traveled to Vegas the end of June for the Cisco Live Conference again.  He can report he passed his test and can move on to the next one he needs to move closer to another certification.
  • I stepped down from my position on Steering for MOPS after the year came to a close.  We will not be attending MOPS in the fall.  Emily and I may look into other options for her to socialize with kids her age and me to have adult time.
  • Brian and I took our first ever trip as a couple with no kids to celebrate our fifth anniversary.  We stayed at a nice bed and breakfast while the kids were at Brian's sisters.  They did well and we enjoyed our time away.  Who knew walking around antique stores could be enjoyable?  We spent part of our time walking around to the different shops in Red Wing that we drive by but never stop.  It was not a very kid friendly atmosphere but it was nice to walk around taking in what the shops had to offer without bored/whiney kids in tow. We had a relaxing time and wish we could have stayed longer.
  • Last but not least, we no longer have the Jeep.  We are on a plan to get rid of debt so we paid off the Jeep, downsized to a cheaper car and came home with a check for the difference.  We are now the owners of an 06 Impala.  We like it and our first trip went well, even had extra space in the trunk, saving on gas is definitely nice too!
I'm sure there is a lot I'm missing but this has gotten long enough.  I will get some pictures up someday.  Until then, hope everyone is having a great summer!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I miss the updates. And yes feel free to say it like it is:)
